Getting Ready to Get Ready
I know I’m not the only one. It used to take me so long before I’d actually commit to anything new. I would join a new gym but not step food inside of it for months (even though I worked at one for a LONG time!). I purposely joined a different gym because I have always been a work-aholic and didn’t want to workout in the same place I worked. That was great and all, except I wasted a lot of $ “getting ready” since I rarely went. I didn’t know what I was doing and I was busy with 2 jobs and full time college, so me working out could wait another day when I had “more free time”. Jokes.
Even though I don’t really do this now in regards to working out or nutrition- I still do this in other areas of my life. I notice it a lot with my business. I sometimes feel like I can’t start a new project or work on something unless my entire house is clean, my car is clean, gotten enough sleep, I’ve worked out, gotten all my water in, stayed on track with my nutrition and etc. It’s a little ridiculous because if you spend all this time trying to create the perfect scenario, you end up just spinning your wheels. Logically it would make more sense to work on things here and there, a little bit at a time and do the best you can. I know this and you know this… yet here we are.
I know as a new mom I’m going to have to drop the perfection mentality. If I wait until everything is perfect, I’m never going to get anything accomplished. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately because I know my life is about to get a lot more difficult (thanks to everyone repeatedly telling me to “just wait”, insert eye roll) but I know there is more to me than being a mom. I am still a wife, a teacher, a business owner, a friend, a sister, and etc. I cannot wait to be a mom and meet our baby girl, but these other roles are still extremely important to me, too.
Anyways, back on topic…
I heard in a podcast recently to “stop getting ready to get ready” and it really spoke to me. I mean how true is that!? More often than not we spend so much time trying to get ready that we really don’t accomplish anything at all. I am REALLY good at distracting myself with the simple mindless tasks (that don’t really move me or my business forward) in order to avoid doing what I know I need to do. I’m sure you can relate this to other areas of your life, even if you don’t own a business. What I’ve learned and tried to be more aware of is that you have to just jump. You can’t keep waiting for it all to line up perfectly or you’ll be waiting forever. Just when you think all the stars have aligned one day, the next day could be a total disaster. That’s life. We (myself included) have to really work on this all or nothing mindset. It can be paralyzing.
With all that being said, I encourage to you to…
Take the plunge.
Messy action > no action.
Start the workout program.
Start paying attention to what you’re putting in your body.
Create the TPT products you’ve been wanting to make.
Make the teacher instagram you’ve been wanting to for months.
Meet the friend you haven’t seen in weeks for coffee.
Create a schedule to help you stay focused.
Write out your short and long term goals and a realistic plan to achieve them.
Do the meal prep even though you don’t want to.
and most importantly, stop waiting until you have all the answers. You will learn most of it as you go. As Marie Forleo says, everything is “figure-out-able”. It really is. But it isn’t just going to come to you. You’re not just going to wake up and be super motivated and have everything you need right in front of you.
It takes-
Trial and error.
ALL of those things are important.
When I’m reminded of this I remember just how true it is. You see just as much as I’ve been afraid and allowed myself to be paralyzed with fear instead of going after it, there’s also been lots of things I’ve just jumped into and DID figure it out (go figure). For ex: starting a business in general, taxes as a business owner (HA), business licenses, starting a podcast, creating a website, starting a blog, getting a masters degree, getting two fitness certifications, getting hired as a Teacher in a new state 3 different times… I didn’t know how to do any of that at first. I just figured it out.
One foot in front of the other.
Put in the work and it’ll happen.
Also, learn how to use google. Google solves a LOT of problems.